ZoOm Hungary

Hungary has a temperate climate, similar to the rest of the continental zone. The coldest month is January, the hottest month is July. The number of sunny hours a year is 1988.

See the actual weather and forecast HERE.

The average temperature in Hungary is 11.1 °C (52 °F). The average temperature range is 22 °C. The highest monthly average high temperature is 27 °C (81 °F) in July & August. The lowest monthly average low temperature is -3 °C (27 °F) in January. Hungary's climate receives an average of 630 mm (24.8 in) of rainfall per year, or 53 mm (2.1 in) per month. On average there are 90 days per year with more than 0.1 mm (0.004 in) of rainfall (precipitation) or 7.5 days with a quantity of rain, sleet, snow etc. per month. The driest weather is in September when an average of 34 mm (1.3 in) of rainfall (precipitation) occurrs across 7 days. The wettest weather is in June when an average of 76 mm (3.0 in) of rainfall (precipitation) occurrs across 8 days. The average annual relative humidity is 69.4% and average monthly relative humidity ranges from 60% in April, July to 83% in December. Average sunlight hours in Hungary range between 1.3 hours per day in December and 9.6 hours per day in July. There are an average of 1988 hours of sunlight per year with an average of 5.4 hours of sunlight per day. There are an average of 73 days per year with frost in Hungary and in January there are an average of 21 days with frost.